April 9, 2011 Salishan Nature Trail, Gleneden Beach, Oregon

The clouds were thick and threatening, the tide was low. Yet, 21 birders gathered at the Salishan parking lot, in Gleneden Beach, for the April birdwalk along a nature trail bordering the golf course. ASLC leader Caren Willoughby welcomed new birders and handed out binoculars and field guides to those without them. She informed all that ASLC bird walks always happen, come rain or shine. We were lucky. Rain stayed away during the whole trip. Our local bird expert and field guide, Dick Demarist, led us along the trail identifying the birds we saw and those we heard. What a great resource of knowledge!

One of the first birds spotted was a Bald Eagle perched on a beached stump out in the bay. But before Dick could set up his spotting scope to give everyone a chance to see it close up, the eagle flew away from us. Meanwhile, a Great Blue Heron flew right toward us and landed in the marsh grass up ahead. Interestingly, it allowed us to approach quite close to it which gave some good photographic opportunities. As we reached the Pacific shoreline, we focused our lenses out to sea to see what we could see. In the far distance, a flock of Cormorants were flying north in their typical irregular flight formation but were too far away to be able to identify the correct species. Not seeing any nearby water birds, we headed back. That's when we saw the eagle back on the same stump out in the bay. Dick set up his spotting scope and gave many of the birders a chance to see not one but two eagles on that stump!

Back at the parking lot, Dick stated how unfortunate it was that our walk took place during low tide. Any other tide would have seen many, many more birds and waterfowl in the bay waters. He mentioned to all who would be interested that we'll meet in Taft near Mo's restaurant to see what other species of birds may be present. Those who stuck it out were rewarded with views of Horned Grebes, Surf Scoters, White-winged Scoters, Buffleheads, Caspian Terns, and a few other species.

Sightings of the Day

Bald Eagle
Great Blue Heron
Spotted Towhee
American Crow
House Finch
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Red-winged Blackbird
Pacific Loon
Oregon Junco
Purple Finch
Fox Sparrow
Red-breasted Merganser
Varied Thrush
Red-tailed HawkRufous Hummingbird
American Robin
Caspian Tern
Western Gull
Marsh Wren
Savannah Sparrow
Glaucaus-winged Gull
White-winged Scoter
Surf Scoter
Horned Grebe
Great Egret