Swallows in Flight to Yachats (SWIFTY)

Tree Swallow at a nest box

SWIFTY is a group of conservationists who are building nesting boxes for birds in need as part of SCBA’s Community Science effort.

Most species of insectivorous birds (birds that rely on insects for food) are in decline in the Western US due to climate change, pesticides, and destruction of habitat. Some of these species were historically dependent upon woodpecker holes for nesting cavities. Logging has reduced the number of snags with suitable cavities, and competition from starlings and house sparrows has exacerbated the problem. Our mission is to help these cavity-nesting insectivores, including swallows, chickadees, purple martins, ducks, owls, and wrens by providing them with additional nesting sites.

What are nest boxes?

Several birds in our region, including multiple species of swallows, chickadees, owls and ducks, nest in cavities. Instead of weaving elaborate structures, these birds find existing holes in their environment that provide a safe, protected space in which to lay eggs and raise offspring. Nest boxes are built to mimic these natural hollows and can be installed strategically to invite native birds to habitat restoration sites.

Where SWIFTY Works

Our projects extend throughout Lincoln County from Yachats to the Salmon River:   

  • Yachats River Valley - swallows, ducks, owls

  • City of Yachats - swallows, chickadees

  • City of Waldport - swallows, purple martins

  • Beaver Creek State Park - swallows, ducks,  owls

  • Beaver Creek Valley, Midcoast Watersheds Council - swallows, ducks

  • Ona Beach State Park - swallows

  • South Beach State Park - swallows

  • Hatfield Marine Science Center - swallows, purple martins

  • Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge - swallows, chickadees, purple martins

  • Lincoln County Parks - swallows, purple martins, wood ducks

  • Wetlands Conservancy - wood ducks 

  • Port of Alsea - purple martins 

  • Eckman Lake (W. B. Nelson State Wayside) - purple martins

Purple Martin Initiative

Purple Martin colony boxes at Waldport docks

Though SWIFTY’s main focus has been supporting Tree and Violet-Green Swallows, in 2023 we launched a new initiative to support Purple Martins (PUMAs). There are believed to be only about 3,500 nesting pairs of these large swallows in the Western U.S. In Oregon, PUMAs nest on the coast and in the major river valleys. These attractive birds are almost totally dependent on artificial nest boxes, and many of the existing boxes are falling apart and need to be replaced. As of 2024, we have built and installed 29 cedar boxes and PVC nesting tubes in six locations in Lincoln County. The boxes are located at Knight Park on the Salmon River estuary (4 tubes); Siletz River (Alder Island, 4 boxes); Hatfield Marine Science Center (6 tubes); Don Lindly Park, Alsea River (4 boxes); Eckmann Lake (6 tubes); Port of Alsea Marina, Waldport (3 tubes and 2 boxes). Since most of these locations are new, it is to be expected that occupancy rates will be low. Nevertheless, we have counted 9 successful nests spread across all six sites. In addition to these boxes, SWIFTY members helped build over 40 new boxes which were installed this spring on the Yaquina River by Eric Horvath.

For 2025, we intend to build more nest boxes to replace failing boxes on the Siletz River at Kernville. Discussions are also underway to possibly install boxes at Sand Lake in Tillamook County.

Get involved!

Monitoring nest box with an endoscope

Would you like to help build, install, or monitor a nesting box? Contact SWIFTY!

SWIFTY personnel:

  • Jim Welch: (970)217-4424

  • Wally Orchard: (541)606-0055

  • Bob Williams: (707)328-9135

  • Robert Maconie: (253)632-1780

  • Paul Bourgeois: (503)432-7396

Learn more about SWIFTY

See more photos of SWIFTY in action!

Wood Duck box with resident elk

Header photo by Ruth Shelly. Nest box photos courtesy of SWIFTY.