Interesting Links for Birders and Wildlife Enthusiasts

SCBA Classroom Birding Resources:

Barred Owl courtesy of dawn villaescusa

Seven Capes Bird Alliance
• SCBA Birding Resources includes field trip sites and birds viewed
• SCBA Calendar of Events 
• Birds that rely on Coastal Habitat 
• Lincoln and Tillamook Common Backyard Birds 
• The Kingfisher (SCBA Newsletter) issues from 2006 to present.

• Bird Sleuth (Cornell lessons)

• ODFW Threatened/Endangered Species
• Oregon Birders Online (OBOL) is an Oregon-based listservice for reporting about birds. 
• Audubon Society of Portland
• Salem Audubon Society

• Festival Locator 
• Birding and Blues Pacific City, Oregon 
• Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival East Cascades, Oregon 
• Migratory Bird Day Festival Lincoln City, Oregon 
• Oregon Shorebird Festival Charleston, Oregon 
• Winter Wings Festival Klamath Basin, Oregon

Great Blue Heron

• Bird Web
• National Audubon Society (lots of resources)
• National Wildlife Birds
• Oregon Wildlife Explorer
• Window Collision Options (PDF)

• Birds North Coast

• Oregon Coast NW Complex 

• BirdNote (weekly) 
• This Birding Life

• Oregon Birding Locations by County 
• Oregon Birding Trails 
• Oregon Coast Birding Trail

Local Environmental and Service Groups

• Salmon-Drift Creek Watershed Council - dedicated to preserving the watershed health of the area between the Salmon River and Drift Creek.
• MidCoast Watersheds Council - dedicated to preserving the watershed health of nearly one millions acres from the Salmon River at Cascade Head to Cape Creek at Heceta Head..
• Yaquina Birders and Naturalists - Lincoln County bird information.

Statewide Groups

• Oregon Coast Birding Trail - PDF file of a self-guided driving itinerary highlighting the premier location for observing birds along the entire Oregon Coast.
• Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife - the state department concerned with the fish, birds and wildlife in Oregon.
• Portland Audubon Society - the Audubon Society in Portland, Oregon
• Oregon Birding Association - group mission to further the knowledge, education, conservation, enjoyment and science of birds and birding in Oregon.

National or General Information Sites

• National Audubon Society - the national umbrella Audubon Society.
• Cornell Lab of Ornithology - an educational site from Cornell University
• National Wildlife Refuges - sites managed by the US Fish & Wildlife all over America.
• North American Bird Conservation Initiative - a national forum for bird conservation.
• National Wildlife Federation - organization devoted to inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future.
• Bird Watcher’s Digest - a magazine, but website is highly informative.
• COASST: Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team - a citizen science project of the University of Washington in partnership with state, tribal and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and community groups in which all coastal communities contribute directly to monitoring local marine resources and ecosystem health through the establishment of a network of citizen scientists, each collecting rigorous and vital data.
• The American Birding Association inspires all people to enjoy and protect wild birds. It represents the North American birding community and supports birders through publications, conferences, workshops, tours, partnerships, and networks. The ABA's education programs promote birding skills, ornithological knowledge, and the development of a conservation ethic. The ABA encourages birders to apply their skills to help conserve birds and their habitats, and represents the interests of birders in planning and legislative arenas.
• Official U.S. State Birds. Along with finding the state birds, this site also lists state flowers, state trees, state flags, and more.
• The Feather Atlas website is designed to assist feather identification by providing high-resolution scans of flight feathers of major groups of North American birds. This is an ongoing project that will continually add new species. 

International Sites

• Birdingpal is a well known website for traveling birdwatchers. With several thousand local birdwatching contacts around the world we think the site would be of interest to your members. 

Compiled by Patty Sorensen, Member of Seven Capes Bird Alliance ~ updated 26 March 2020