August 13, 2011 Bayocean Spit, Oregon

Twenty-two birders gathered at the Bayocean Spit, west of Tillamook, for the ASLC event starting at 1pm. The dusty road didn't dissuade folks from starting the Audubon Society of Lincoln City birdwalk, with binoculars, field guides, and cameras in hand. As has been a regular, opening sight in our birding events, Bald Eagle welcomed us as it sat watching our forward progress toward the end of the Bayocean Spit. Sparrows and Chickadees flittered in the brush, and Great Blue Herons were spotted roosting in the evergreens above. Chattering Kingfishers were seen hovering over the water and periodically diving to snatch small minnow snacks. The Marbled Godwit gave all photographers amongst us a rare opportunity to capture its portrait in very close range. We walked very carefully under a very large Yellow Jacket bee's nest which hung just above the path.After walking only about a third of the way to the Spit's end, we turned around. The tide was lower now and there the orchestrated flight of the Sandpipers as they moved from one mud flat to another. There is so much beauty watching them fly in uncanny unison in quick, short flights.

Sightings of the Day
Western Gull
California Gull
Marbled Godwit
Ring-billed Gull
Song Sparrow
Bald Eagle
American Robin
Great Blue Heron
White-winged Scoter
Pelagic Cormorant
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Wilson’s Warbler
Red-necked Grebe
Turkey Vulture
Western Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Savannah Sparrow
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Baird Sandpiper
Peregrine Falcon
Greater Yellowlegs
Red-tailed Hawk
Tree Swallow
American Crow
White Crowned Sparrow
Northern Harrier
Double-crested Cormorant
Black-throated Grey Warbler