August 13, 2022 Alder Island Bird Walk

While the birds were few in numbers the 35 participants were not disappointed. With the season beginning to change Mark Elliott shared our interpretive signage along the trail. The signs were a joint effort between Lincoln City Audubon and US Fish & Wildlife, designed by Ernie Rose, illustrated by Nora Sherwood, with information provided by Peter Pearsall. The Alder Island Osprey nest caught everyone’s attention. 

Species panels illustrated by Nora Sherwood.

Here are the birds we saw:

Cedar Waxwing
Canada Geese
Belted Kingfisher
Western Gull
Song Sparrow
Great White Egret
Steller's Jay
Purple Martin

After short walk to the beach:

White-crowned Sparrow
American Robin
Bald Eagle
Western Grebe
Red-necked Phalarope