July 11, 2015 Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area

The morning started with gray skies and very little wind as 24 birders gathered at the Lighthouse Headquarters. We watched a female Peregrine Falcon watch us. Perhaps letting us know this is her home. The paved trail along the coastline always provides us with new sightings. The baby gulls and cormorants were a joy to watch. Sadly missing was the young of the Common Murre.

Sightings of the Day
Peregrine Falcon

Turkey Vulture

Barn Swallow

White-crowned Sparrow

Rufus Hummingbird

Song Sparrow

House Finch

Pigeon Guillemot

Common Murre

Pelagic Cormorant

Brant's Cormorant

Western Gull

Wandering Tattler

Surf Scoter

Black Oystercatcher


Rhinoceros Auklet

Brown Pelican

Spotted Towhee

American Crow

Bald Eagle