July 8, 2022 EXPLORIENCE Nesika Park

Cedar Waxwing. Photo by Ruth Shelly.

Our bird walk to Nesika Park, sponsored by Explore Lincoln City didn’t disappoint the 17 birders in attendance. Part of Lincoln City's 2022 Exploriences, several participants had already signed up and all were happy with their wooden Explorience tokens! 

Nesting Osprey. Photo by Ruth Shelly.

The nesting Ospreys put on quite a show. The male brought in a nice trout to share with the single chick. The walk to Nesika Park was filled with other birds for all to enjoy. 


Osprey with trout. Photo by Ruth Shelly.

American Crow
Barn Swallow 
Violet-green Swallow 
Steller’s Jay 
American Robin 
Spotted Towhee 
European Starling 
Northern Flicker 
Song Sparrow 
Turkey Vulture 
White-crowned Sparrow 
Cedar Waxwing

Osprey. Photo by Ruth Shelly.