On a gorgeous sunny day, 16 people joined the ASLC bird walk through the D River Open Space to Devils Lake. While Song Sparrows and Red-winged Blackbirds rejoiced in the good weather, Barn Swallows gathered mud for their nests, and Cedar Waxwings flocked in abundance. Spotted Towhees watched us carefully, while a Mallard gathered her spring brood. After the walk, volunteers helped cut invasive ivy from the trees that provide a Lincoln City forest respite.
Sightings of the day:
Barn Swallow
American Crow
Song Sparrow
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Warbling Vireo
Red-winged Blackbird
Cedar Waxwing
Spotted Towhee
Anna’s Hummingbird
American Robin
Steller’s Jay
Bewick’s Wren
Tree Swallow
Turkey Vulture
Black-headed Grosbeak