March 12, 2016 Seal Rock State Recreation Area

When we left Otis it was 39 degrees, dark, cold and raining with a forecast of 100% rain all day. Rained all the way down to Seal Rock but at 9am the sun came out for us to start birding, the surrounding sky was black. After 30 minutes the sun went behind a few clouds as we moved to a location looking south down the coast. It was then we saw lightning followed by thunder and more rain. We went back to the parking lot to wait out the downpour before heading down 101 in search of more birds. At the second spot all the birds that were on the beach suddenly took off indicating the fly over by a Bald Eagle. The highlight of the trip was a lone Peregrine Falcon sitting atop a high rock formation 100 yards out.

Sightings of the Day

Bald Eagle
Pelagic Cormorant
Brandt's Cormorant
Western Gull
Black Oystercatcher
Peregrine Falcon
Surf Scoter
Glaucous-winged Gull
American Crow
Common Raven