October 15, 2013 Beaver Creek State Natural Area

Leaving Lincoln City this morning to head for the Beaver Creek waterway field trip was a bit concerning. It was raining! But, those who live along the coast know about micro-climates and are aware that the weather could be totally different from one location to another. We were optimistc that the rain would stop when we arrived at Beaver Creek, located midway between Newport and Waldport. Sure enough, the rain had stopped and there were patches of blue sky in-between the big puffy clouds. Yeeesssss!!!! As the birders arrived, they backed up to the put-in and dispatched their watercrafts. 14 birders, led by Dawn Grafe-Harris, USFWS, (newly furloughed, by the way) and ASLC field guide Mark Elliott, were ready to enjoy a lazy paddling upriver as they kept their eyes alert for sighting birds. Before all were ready, a mature bald eagle flew low right over us . . . and not one photographer was fast enough to capture its image! Gathering in a watery circle, introductions were made and all were amazed to learn that a newly transplanted New Englander was amongst the group. Around the first bend a Great Blue Heron was sighted atop an old snag tree and around a couple of more bends a Great Egret flew from the river grass and brush ahead. A Cooper's Hawk swooped down into the grass bank. But the greatest surprise to all were the number of Nutrias eyeing us from the banks as we paddled past each of them . . . about 30 or more!! Meanwhile, the sprinkling of rain turned into a shower which then turned into a heavy shower which made it near impossible to take photos of our outing. As the watercrafts were beginning to fill with rainwater, it was decided to turn around and head back to land. And, wouldn't you know it! When we arrived back where we had started, the rainfall had stopped! Ugh!!!

Sightings of the Day
Bald Eagle
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Northern Harrier
Short-billed Dowitcher
Belted Kingfisher
Pied-billed Grebe
Red-tailed Hawk
American Robin
Marsh Wren
American Crow
Song Sparrow