November 11, 2023 Salmon River within the Cascade Head Scenic Area

Mark Elliott led 26 birders along the Salmon River to the mouth of the Pacific Ocean. A morning seeing some amazing birds and without rain. It was perfect. 

Sightings of the day:

Group shot by Steve Griffiths

Varied Thrush
Black Phoebe
Western Gull
Hooded Merganser 
American Crow 
Belted Kingfisher 
Bald Eagle 
Cooper’s Hawk 
Hooded Merganser 
Red Phalarope 
Common Goldeneye 
Steller's Jay
American Robin
Northern Flicker
Red-throated Loon
Pacific Loon
Red Crossbill
Western Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant 
Song Sparrow 
Yellow-rumped Warbler 
Red-tailed Hawk
Northern Harrier 
Great Egret

Salmon River by Steve Griffiths

October 13, 2023 The Villages and Roads End State Park

Mark Elliott led 9 birders through the woods and to the beach. For some this was a new experience. As we walked we could identify some by ear as well as sight. We saw a variety of birds even though the season is changing.

Sightings of the day:

Trip leader Mark Elliott and group, photo courtesy of Tom Rice

Stellar’s Jay
Pacific Wren
Dark-eyed Junco
American Crow
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Spotted Towhee
Fox Sparrow
Great Blue Heron
Western Gull
Brewers Blackbird
European Starling
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown Pelican
House Sparrow

September 8, 2023 Cutler City & Siletz Bay

ASLC’s birdwalk sponsored by Lincoln City Explorience was led by Halle Renn with 24 participants. It was a quiet walk through Cutler City Wetlands and the neighborhood. We spent time watching an Eagle and Cormorants enjoying the sun.

Sightings of the day:

Group, photo by Tom Rice

Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Cedar Waxwing
Anna’s Hummingbird
Stellar’s Jay
Northern Flicker
Black-capped Chickadee
Spotted Towhee
House Finch
White-crowned Sparrow
Eurasian Collared Dove
Brewers Blackbird
American Crow
Bald Eagle
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Rufous Hummingbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Pied-billed Grebe
Brewer’s Blackbird

July 8, 2023 Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area

Brandt’s Cormorants with chicks, photo by Ruth Shelly

Yaquina Head in July never disappoints! We enjoyed watching colonies of nesting seabirds including Common Murres, Brandt’s and Pelagic Cormorants, and Pigeon Guillemots. A great time was had by all who attended!

Turkey Vulture and Common Murres, photo by Ruth Shelly

Birders at Yaquina Head, photo by Ruth Shelly

July 7, 2023 Nesika Park

Caren Willoughby assisting a young birder with the spotting scope, photo by Ruth Shelly

28 birders strong, we began our walk by observing the resident Osprey nest near Nesika Park. We were lucky to see all three juveniles with both adults at the nest! We then continued on to the Nesika Park trail to search for songbirds in the forest and wetlands. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed sharing the love of birding with the next generation of birders!

Adult female and juvenile Ospreys on the nest, photo by Ruth Shelly

Birders on trail, photo by Ruth Shelly

June 10, 2023 Ona Beach & Beavercreek

Belted Kingfisher by Ruth Shelly

It was a bright, sunny day for a bird walk on the beach! We started with a walk through the woods along the creek where we saw a great variety of nesting songbirds including warblers and swallows. We then moved on to the beach where we looked for wading shorebirds.

Birders on trail by Ruth Shelly

Birders on the beach by Ruth Shelly

June 9, 2023 The Knoll

Birders resting and taking in the views after a steep climb up to The Knoll by Ruth Shelly

We had 8 people total (2 from the class, Jane and Cindy, and one from the Osprey project, Juliette, and 5 Audubon folks).

Bird list:

Wilson's warbler
Steller's jay
Pacific slope flycatcher
Warbling vireo
Golden-crowned kinglet
American robin
Pacific wren
Black-headed grosbeak
Brandt's cormorant
Brown pelican
Eurasian collared dove
Surf scoter

May 12, 2023 Cutler City Open Space

Mark Elliott walked 21 birders through the beautiful Cutler City Open Space. It was a warm and pleasant morning. Participants were delighted to see the native rhododendron in full bloom. While listening and looking for birds it’s also an opportunity to make new friends.

Sightings of the day:

Birders on trail at Cutler City Open Space

Great Blue Heron
Canada Geese
Wilson’s Warbler
Blackheaded Grosbeak
American Robin
Tree swallow
European Starling
Common Merganser
White-crowned Sparrow
Black-capped Chickadee
Violet-green Swallow
Vaux’s Swift
Dark-eyed Junco
Orange-crowned Warbler
Band-tailed Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
House Sparrow

Rhododendrons in bloom

April 8, 2023 Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge

The rain held off while 26+birders joined, Mark Elliott for the Audubon walk. This walk provides a variety of birds and a beautiful close up look at the signs of Spring.

Aleutian Geese by Ruth Shelly

Sightings of the day:
Travelers/Lesser/Cackling/Aleutian Geese
Green-winged Teal
American Wigeon
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Anna’s Hummingbird
Great-blue Heron
American Robin
Canada Jay
Song Sparrow
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Double-crested Cormorant
Barn Owl

Pacific Wren by Ruth Shelly