Seven Capes Bird Alliance, alongside Mid-Willamette Bird Alliance, Coast Range Association, Sierra Club Oregon Chapter, and Wild Salmon Center, is excited to host a webinar series on the vital connections between coastal forests and marine ecosystems! Join us for this free three-part series to explore these interwoven environments and why their conservation is critical, now more than ever.
Renowned scientist and forest advocate Dr. Dominick DellaSala presents the first of three webinars in the series: Old Forests Do It Best as Natural Climate Solutions. Old forests provide irreplaceable benefits increasingly needed in a climate emergency by cleansing the air we breathe, purifying our drinking water, and acting as a carbon filtration system for the atmosphere. Our ancient coastal forests store more carbon per acre than nearly any forest on Earth and are part of a vast interconnected temperate rainforest system extending from the Coast Redwoods to the Kodiak Archipelago in southcentral Alaska. These forests may function as climate sanctuaries if fully protected from logging and development. Dr. DellaSala will focus on the benefits ancient forests provide to communities and nature, and how federal forest-climate policies involving the Northwest Forest Plan and National Old Growth Amendment are missing the mark on much needed forest protections.
Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala is Chief Scientist at Wild Heritage (, and former President of the Society for Conservation Biology, North America Section. He is an internationally renowned author of 300+ peer-reviewed papers and nine award-winning books on forests, climate change, endangered species, and speaking truth to power. Dominick has given plenary and keynote talks at academic conferences, the United Nations Earth Summit, and numerous international climate change and biodiversity summits. He has appeared in National Geographic, Science Digest, Science Magazine, Scientific American, Time Magazine, Audubon Magazine, National Wildlife Magazine, High Country News, Terrain Magazine, NY Times, LA Times, USA Today, Jim Lehrer News Hour, CNN, MSNBC, “Living on Earth (NPR),” several PBS documentaries and even Fox News! Dominick has served on several committees, including White House Council task forces on forests and Oregon’s Global Warming Commission carbon task force reporting to the Governor. Dominick is motivated by his work to leave a living planet for his two daughters, four grandchildren, and all those who follow.
This webinar is FREE, but pre-registration is required: