April 8, 2022 Spring Lake Open Space

It was a small group that had no problem with the weather forecast. Trip leader Mark Elliott led around Lincoln City’s Open Space Spring Lake. It was magical with wildflowers in bloom and birds singing all around us. It was a haven for Warblers! In just three words “It Was Wonderful.” We were all thankful for the well maintained trails and Parks and Recreation of Lincoln City.

American Robin photo by Ruth Shelly

Listening and looking for those Warblers.

Down the trail.

Across the bridge to watch the Canada Goose fly in.

Photo by Caren Willoughby

Are these Myosotis scorpioides (Marsh-forget-me-not) growing along the path?

Sightings of the day:

Pacific Wren
American Crow
American Robin
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Townsend Warbler
Black-throated Grey Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Bald Eagle
Canada Goose
Hairy Woodpecker

Canada Goose photo by Ruth Shelly