June 10, 2022 Regatta Park & Devils Lake

Photo by Caren Willoughby

We did not get rained on! Trip leader, Mark Elliott led 9 birders through the woods around the Regatta Grounds. The trail was well marked and we checked out the signage along the way.  It was warm and the birds did not disappoint us. 

Bird Sightings:

Barn Swallow
Violet-green Swallow
Song Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Turkey Vulture
American Robin
Downy Woodpecker
Spotted Towhee
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
European Starling
Purple Finch
Cedar Waxwing
Anna’s Hummingbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Canada Geese

Photo by Caren Willoughby

Group shot! Photo by Caren Willoughby.