December 15, 2019 7th annual Christmas Bird Count

Halle Renn, with assistance from Caren Willoughby and Ernie Rose, did a superb job of coordinating our 2019 Christmas Bird Count. We had 30 field counters and 2 feeder counters. Although individual counts were down, we ended up with the second highest total for our CBC, 126 species. Our highest was 131 in 2014. Our "rare bird" of the day was a TROPICAL KINGBIRD found by Liz Laver-Holencik. The Siletz Bay team also spotted a CALIFORNIA SCRUB JAY, not really rare anymore, but a good find for Lincoln City. Other treats included a couple of SNOW GEESE, which have gotten pretty regular on one of the farms in the area, three MERLIN, WESTERN BLUEBIRD (regular here, but often hard to find), and a small flock of CANVASBACK on the lake. Phil Pickering did some owling for us, netting a GREAT-HORNED OWL, NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL, NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL, and one of our three BARN OWLS (the other two were found in the north section by the team of Jack Hurt, Ernie Rose, Ben & Kai Frueh, and Margaret Powell). Misses included: AMERICAN DIPPER (count week), WOOD DUCK, RUFFED GROUSE, RED PHALAROPE (count week), ANCIENT MURRELET, CANADA JAY, and AMERICAN GOLDFINCH.