Halle Renn, with assistance from Caren Willoughby and Ernie Rose, did a superb job of coordinating our 2019 Christmas Bird Count. We had 30 field counters and 2 feeder counters. Although individual counts were down, we ended up with the second highest total for our CBC, 126 species. Our highest was 131 in 2014. Our "rare bird" of the day was a TROPICAL KINGBIRD found by Liz Laver-Holencik. The Siletz Bay team also spotted a CALIFORNIA SCRUB JAY, not really rare anymore, but a good find for Lincoln City. Other treats included a couple of SNOW GEESE, which have gotten pretty regular on one of the farms in the area, three MERLIN, WESTERN BLUEBIRD (regular here, but often hard to find), and a small flock of CANVASBACK on the lake. Phil Pickering did some owling for us, netting a GREAT-HORNED OWL, NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL, NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL, and one of our three BARN OWLS (the other two were found in the north section by the team of Jack Hurt, Ernie Rose, Ben & Kai Frueh, and Margaret Powell). Misses included: AMERICAN DIPPER (count week), WOOD DUCK, RUFFED GROUSE, RED PHALAROPE (count week), ANCIENT MURRELET, CANADA JAY, and AMERICAN GOLDFINCH.
December 6, 2019 Siletz Bay: The Bayhouse to Cutler City
Photos complements of Ernie Rose
Explore Lincoln City sponsored this walk starting at the Bay House. Mark Elliott led a group of 10 birders through Cutler City. The rain did not put a damper on the group’s enthusiasm. We scored a list of over 20.
Sightings of the day:
Chestnut-backed Chickadee ~ Belted Kingfisher ~ Steller's Jay
Varied Thrush ~ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ~ American Robin
Northern Flicker ~ European Starling ~ Song Sparrow
American Crow ~ Dark-eyed Junco ~ Anna's Hummingbird
Cooper's Hawk ~ European-collared Dove ~ Rock Pigeon
Bald Eagle ~ Great Blue Heron ~ Golden-crowned Sparrow
Yellow-rumped Warbler ~ Red-winged Blackbird ~ Bufflehead
Double-crested Cormorant ~ American Wigeon ~ Surf Scoter
Common Merganser ~ Mallard ~ Gadwall ~ American Coot
Western Grebe ~ Townsend Warbler
November 9, 2019 Salmon River in the Cascade Head Scenic Area
Hah, what a fun morning for a bird walk at Knight Park along the Salmon River, although it started off a bit chilly and gray. After introductions, the thirty-one birders were entertained by a Bald Eagle attempting to put a grebe on the breakfast menu! The eagle hovered and unsuccessfully swooped down at the grebe for about 5 minutes, each time being frustrated by the grebe’s diving underwater to escape its approaching talons! Another surprise was the amount of birds sighted and heard at the end of Three Rocks Road where it led down to a wetland meadow. Two more eagles were viewed in trees on the other side of the river. Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a couple of Golden-crowned sparrows and a Bewick’s Wren made their appearances for most to see! From Knight Park, many of the birders drove to Frasier Road on the other side of the estuary. Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, chickadees, and a Great Blue Heron were sighted. Twenty-three species were tallied for the morning. Yes, it was an event enjoyed by all . . . and the hot cider provided by the Willoughby’s was very much appreciated!! We had guest birders from Spokane, Pendleton, Newberg, Pacific City, Depoe Bay, McMinnville and Yachats.
Sightings of the day:
Bald Eagle ~ Red-tailed Hawk ~ Common Merganser
Belted Kingfisher ~ Western Gull ~ Hybrid Gull ~ Song Sparrow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet ~ Northern Flicker ~ American Robin
Dark-eyed Junco ~ Bewick's Wren ~ Yellow-rumped Warbler
Chestnut-backed Chickadee ~ Steller's Jay ~ Northern Harrier
Golden-crowned Sparrow ~ Black-capped Chickadee
Yellow-rumped Warbler ~ Anna's Hummingbird
Great Blue Heron ~ Red-breasted Nuthatch
October 12, 2019 Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint to Devil's Punchbowl State Natural Area
The weather held for Audubon’s outing to Boiler Bay and down the coast to Devil’s Punch Bowl. Led by Mark Elliott the group of 16 birders spotted a variety of sea birds. The most exciting bird moment was the drive along the Otter Crest Loop when flocks of hundreds of Pine Siskins were flying in and out of the evergreen trees. This was a perfect time to put the windows down and listen to the music of nature. It was so loud and so perfect.
October 11, 2019 Salishan Nature Trail (Siletz Bay)
It was a beautiful morning along the Salishan Nature Trail and the Pacific Ocean did not disappoint the 19 birders that participated. Calm seas provided the group with some nice sightings.
Sightings of the day:
Merlin ~ Spotted Towhee ~ American Crow ~ Great Blue Heron
Red-breasted Nuthatch ~ European Starling ~ Great Egret
Red-tailed Hawk ~ Song Sparrow ~ Pine Siskin
American Robin ~ Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Northern Flicker ~ Anna's Hummingbird
White-Crowned Sparrow ~ Double-crested Cormorant
Pacific Loon ~ Clark's Grebe ~ Western Grebe ~ Mallard
Marbled Murrelet ~ White-winged Scoter ~ Scaup
American Wigeon ~ American Coot
September 20, 2019 Hostetler Park (D River) and Devil's Lake State Park, Lincoln City
Mark Elliott was joined by 17 enthusiastic adults and two children for our Hostetler Park/Devil's Lake Bird Watching Clinic. The weather was perfect and the birds a delight! We started the morning watching a flock of Mallards on D River when a beautiful Green Heron flew by right in front of us! We were disappointed that it didn't stop to allow better looks, but it was a treat to see!
Belted Kingfishers entertained us throughout the walk, chasing one another or perched for nice looks. There were dozens of Cedar Waxwings - and a flock of seven Great Egrets flew overhead in a vee formation. At the lake, a pair of Caspian Terns flew over, a pair of Double-crested Cormorants were swimming and diving, while a small flock of California Gulls splashed nearby.
We were just getting ready to leave the lake when someone spotted an Osprey "swimming" in the water. While we watched, it used its powerful wings to lift itself out of the water, looped around and, while we watched, dove with a crash into the lake. It again struggled briefly, then flew up out of the water - but once again, without its prey. It dove a 3rd time, also unsuccessfully, then flew away.
Sightings of the day:
Mallard ~ Common Merganser ~ Rock Pigeon
Anna's Hummingbird ~ Western Gull ~ California Gull
Caspian Tern ~ Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret ~ Green Heron ~ Great Blue Heron
Osprey ~ Belted Kingfisher
Downy Woodpecker ~ Northern Flicker
Steller's Jay ~ American Crow ~ Common Raven
Black-capped Chickadee ~ Chestnut-backed Chickadee
swallow sp. (dozens circling up in the high clouds)
Wrentit ~ Red-breasted Nuthatch ~ Bewick's Wren
European Starling ~ American Robin ~ Cedar Waxwing
Dark-eyed Junco ~ Song Sparrow ~ Spotted Towhee
Brewer's Blackbird ~ Red-winged Blackbird
September 14, 2019 Sitka Sedge State Natural Area
Photos complements of Steve Griffiths and Caren Willoughby
It was a beautiful morning and we had 10 birders coming from Newport, Lincoln City, Depoe Bay, Dallas, and Florida! It was warm and the occasional falling leaf played tricks on the eye as we looked for birds. We were rewarded with a nice variety.
Sightings of the day:
American Robin ~ Stellar’s Jay ~ Great Blue Heron
California Gull ~ Western Gull ~ Great Egret
Brown Creeper ~ Pacific Wren ~ Black Phoebe
Anna’s Hummingbird ~ Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker ~ Song Sparrow ~ Spotted Towhee
Chestnut-backed Chickadee ~ Black-capped Chickadee
Osprey ~ Common Murre ~ Surf Scoter
Red-necked Grebe ~ Western Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
August 10, 2019 The Knoll Open Space, Lincoln City
All photos complements of Steve Griffiths
Nineteen people joined our expert guides in climbing to the top of The Knoll. A few birds, lots of sunshine, and great views! Species included a Cooper's Hawk, Pacific Wren, and Brown Pelican.
This walk was one of our special Bird Watching Clinics, sponsored by Explore Lincoln City and Lincoln City Parks and Recreation.
July 13, 2019 Alder Island Loop Trail, Siletz Bay NWR
The new Alder Island Loop Trail has become a local favorite for nature-lovers of all ages. Twenty-nine of us enjoyed a two-hour walk through the trees, wetlands, and along the river's edge.
Photo complements of Ernie Rose
Highlights included a family of Canada Geese on the river, pairs of Warbling Vireo singing in the trees, and two Belted Kingfishers. This walk was one of our special Bird Watching Clinics, sponsored by Explore Lincoln City and Lincoln City Parks and Recreation.
Wilson's Warbler complements of Ruth Shelly
Juvenile Golden-crowned Kinglet complements of Ruth Shelly
Sightings of the day:
Canada Goose ~ Western Gull ~ Great Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture ~ Bald Eagle ~ Belted Kingfisher
Northern Flicker ~ Warbling Vireo ~ Steller's Jay
American Crow ~ Purple Martin ~ Tree Swallow
Violet-green Swallow ~ Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee ~ Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Marsh Wren ~ Golden-crowned Kinglet
Swainson's Thrush ~ American Robin ~ European Starling
Cedar Waxwing ~ House Finch
White-crowned Sparrow ~ Song Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird ~ Orange-crowned Warbler
Common Yellowthroat ~ Wilson's Warbler
Photos complements of Ernie Rose
June 8, 2019 Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area
Photos complements of Ernie Rose
At the headquarters parking lot, our large, enthusiastic group of 28 got great and prolonged views of the Peregrine Falcon chicks and parent! Other special sightings included a Black Oystercatcher sitting on its egg, nesting Pelagic and Brandt's Cormorants, and thousands of chattering Common Murre.
Sightings of the day:
Violet-green Swallow ~ Barn Swallow
American Goldfinch ~ Peregrine Falcon
White-crowned Sparrow ~ American Crow
Pelagic Cormorant ~ Brandt’s Cormorant
Pigeon Guillemot ~ Black Oystercatcher
Common Murre ~ Harlequin Duck
Western Gull ~ Caspian Tern