January 12, 2013 OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center Nature Trail, Newport

First time in three years, this field trip was sunny and cold. Previously, we'd endured cold and wet weather. Still, as always, this was a very enjoyable bird walk which was led by field guide, Mark Elliott. No sooner did we exit our cars when an immature bald eagle flew right over us . . . a perfect photo op with great lighting and its being maybe only 75 feet above us, if that! Down below, Brandt, Surf Scoter, Bufflehead, Great Scaup, Horned Grebe, and a couple of Common Loons were busy seeking food in the bay. Walking further along the trail, we saw American Wigeons, Eurasian Wigeons and Northern Pintails in large groups that we were only able to ID with binoculars. Still further along the path, 2 mature eagles were viewed upon a log in the water looking in the direction of the group of forementioned waterfowl. As we made the turn back toward the parking lot, a small flock of Red Crossbills settled on the high branches of a nearby tree and in the open brush below an Anna's Hummingbird lighted weightlessly on an upper branch in unobstructed view. We then drove over to the Newport South Jetty where for the 2nd year in a row we saw a pair of Harlequin ducks. Another pleasant surprise was discovering a Black Turnstone standing on a rock at water's edge. As we worked at ID'ing the various gulls, we witnessed one that appeared to have something wrapped around its neck to make its neck look like a bib . . . poor bird. To get out of the cold and to warm our bellies, many headed to Rogue Brewery for lunch. Great ending to a fun morning.

Sightings of the Day
Immature Bald Eagle (2)
Mature Bald Eagle (2)
Surf Scoter
Common Loon
Horned Grebe
American Coot
Pelagic Cormorant
Greater Scaup
Western Gull
Song Sparrow
Brown Pelican
American Crow
American Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Northern Pintail
European Starling
Black-capped Chickadee
Red Crossbill
Anna’s Hummingbird
Mew Gull
White-winged Scoter
Red-throated Loon
Double-crested Cormorant
Red-breasted Merganser
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Barrow’s Goldeneye (female)
Black Turnstone
Glaucous-winged Gull
Red-necked Grebe
Hooded Merganser (female)
Western Grebe