November 10, 2012 Cascade Head Scenic Area along the Salmon River, Oregon

ASLC held a photo tips class and a field trip on the Salmon River at the foot of the Cascade Head Scenic Area. Birding was great with 20 people participating. Photos were taken from the road that goes along the river next to the riverhouse. Martha Wylder's house is just above this spot and is where she experienced the taking of one of her beloved Gray Jay's while feeding them under the eaves of her home. She thought it might have been one of the small migrating hawks such as the Sharp-shinned Hawk or Merlin Falcon. Meanwhile, down below, the group viewed and ID'd two Peregrine Falcons cruising along the foothill.

Sightings of the Day
American Crow
Belted Kingfisher
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Common Merganser
Double-crested Cormorant
Fox Sparrow
Great Blue Heron
Northern Flicker
Peregrine Falcon
Pine Siskin
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red Crossbill
Ring-billed Gull
Song Sparrow
Surf Scoter
Western Gull
White-fronted Geese
Steller's Jay