June 7, 2019 Regatta Park with Devil's Lake, Lincoln City

A group of 15 people, including 3 children, braved the rain for a walk through the Regatta Park nature trail and vicinity, including Devil's Lake. We enjoyed 23 species of birds. This walk was one of our special Lincoln City Bird Walks, sponsored by Lincoln City Parks and Recreation and Explore Lincoln City.

Sightings of the day:
American Robin ~ American Crow ~ Swainson’s Thrush
Band-tailed Pigeon ~ Pacific Wren ~ Wilson Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler ~ Barn Swallow ~ Violet-green Swallow
Osprey ~ Turkey Vulture ~ Mallard ~ House Finch ~ American Goldfinch
Song Sparrow ~ White-crowned Sparrow ~ Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco
Steller's Jay ~ Vaux's Swift ~ Pacific-slope Flycatcher ~ Spotted Towhee
Great Blue Heron ~ Hummingbird – probably Rufous (heard)