May 21, 2015 Cutler City Wetlands Open Space & Josephine Young Memorial Park

There were 10 of us on the walk this morning and what a treat. Nature embraced us everywhere. What an interesting, mossy location! Interestingly, we heard many birds but very few showed themselves. The small birds flittered around so fast, faster than we could either ID or photograph them. It was a very enjoyable walk with tall, wild rhodedendrons and other interesting flora. The walk ended at Josephine Young Memorial Park where 5 immature eagles and an osprey were seen during a very low tide.

Sightings of the Day
Varied Thrush
Steller's Jay
American Robin
American Crow
Rufus and Anna's Hummingbird
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Swainson's Thrush
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
European Starling
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Song Sparrow
Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron
Orange-crowned Warbler
Spotted Towhee
White-crowned Sparrow
Bald Eagle
Eurasian-collared Dove
American Goldfinch