November 12, 2016 Cascade Head Scenic Area at the River House

We had our monthly Audubon field trip this morning, the subject being how to take bird pictures. For the participating 17 birders, the morning started with high winds and overcast skies but no rain. In our talk about bird photography, we explained how difficult it was to take a picture into a very light background. Turns out we needed all our expertise in taking pictures of a Northern Pygmy Owl. Field guide, Mark Elliot, mentioned when we first started our trip to look out for this owl. We don't know why he said that since we very, very rarely see them. Just before our walk got over and only 50 yards from where we started, one of our group spotted this owl on a branch next to the road. He happened to be the only person from out of state, Kansas of all places, where they do not have this bird. What a treat for all of us!

Sightings of the Day
Common Loon
Surf Scoter
Spotted Towhee
Song Sparrow
Hermit Thrush
Marsh Wren
Pacific Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Northern Pygmy Owl
Steller's Jay
Western Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Bald Eagle
Common Raven
Western Gull