Birders by Ruth Shelly
The morning was overcast but dry when 37 participants gathered at Knight Park to enjoy a fruitful morning of birding along the Salmon River. A pair of Belted Kingfishers darted overhead while Hooded Mergansers glided in the distance. Several Bald Eagles and Great Blue Herons kept watch as the gulls entertained with their crabby squabbles and harbor seals drifted with the tide. A Hermit Thrush, kinglets, and chickadees flitted through the brush as the group enjoyed a concentration of different habitats within an easy distance.
Sightings of the day:
Belted Kingfisher by Ruth Shelly
American Crow
Bald Eagle
Common Raven
Northern Harrier
Herring Gull
Great Blue Heron
Marsh Wren
Song Sparrow
Hooded Merganser
Belted Kingfisher
Western Gull
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Hermit Thrush
Double-crested Cormorant
Northern Flicker
Ring-billed Gull
Steller's Jay
American Robin
Downy Woodpecker
Bewick’s Wren
Red-tailed Hawk
Birders by Tom Rice