July 9, 2011 Clay Meyer Natural Area, Whalen Island, Oregon

This ASLC Bird Walk began on-cue with a well-timed sighting of a mature Bald Eagle. A perfect day for the 1.4 mile loop walk led by field guide, Mark Elliott. Amongst the 16 birders, a young family from Portland joined locals from Lincoln City and Otis to wander the sandy woodland trail for a couple hours in the dappled sunshine. We saw several species including the Orange-crowned Warbler and House Wren, and heard the calls and songs of many others. But the most frequent sound was laughter from the jovial birders. The group was delighted by the feeding antics of Chestnut-backed Chickadee parents as they carried plump, green worms into their hungry babies just a few feet from the trail. The tide was very low, and we did see a few shorebirds, including Caspian Terns and Western Gulls. Even without the birds, this is a prime spot for a day of beach and forest rambling.

Sightings of the Day
Bald Eagle
Great Blue Heron
American Crow
American Goldfinch
White-crowned Sparrow
Northern Flicker
Double-crested Cormorant
Barn Swallow
Song Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler
Rufus Hummingbird
Gold-crowned Sparrow
Black-capped Chickadee
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
House Wren
Swainson's Thrush
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Golden-crowned Kinglet
European Starlings
Caspian Terns
Western Gull
Belted Kingfisher
Turkey Vulture

June 11, 2011 Yaquina Head, Newport, Oregon

Great bird walk at the Yaquina Lighthouse led by Mark Elliot. Thirty-one people came out, from as far as Sacramento, Bend, Seattle and Portland. The weather started to look like it was going to be a typical spring Oregon day but changed its mind and we had bright sunshine. We were told the Eagle had already had a Murre breakfast, and just as we were leaving it had lunch. I had a good lesson in Cormorant identification. Dick Demarest has tried to teach me in the past but the lesson never took. We saw both the Pelagic and the Brandt's Cormorants. I had no idea how colorful these birds are . . . always thought they were just big black birds that feast on Salmon smolts.
-Cheers, Jack

Sightings of the Day
House Sparrow
American Crow
Pigeon Guillemot
Brown Pelican
Brandt's Cormorant
Black Oystercatcher
Brown-headed Cowbird

Rufus Hummingbird
Barn Swallow
Bald Eagle
Turkey Vulture
White Crowned Sparrow
Violet Green Swallow
American Goldfinch

Pelagic Cormorant
Common Murre
Song Sparrow
Band-tailed Pigeon
Surf Scoter
Western Gull

May 14, 2011 Bird and Photographic Walk at the Salmon River Estuary

About 20 birders gathered at Knight Park in Otis, OR, along the Salmon River estuary. There, ASLC leader Jack Doyle introduced all to the IBA (Important Bird Area) and briefly discussed bird photography. Splitting into 2 groups one remained in and around Knight Park, the other crossed Three Rocks Road and began birding the Crowley Creek meadow. After about 1/2 hour, the groups switched locations. The morning was filled with bird sightings and enjoyed by all.

Sightings of the Day
Rufous Hummingbird
Wilson's Warbler
Brandt's Cormorant
American Crow
American Robin
Bald Eagle (mature and immature)
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Western Gull
Turkey Vulture
Song Sparrow
White Crowned Sparrow
Peregrine Falcon
American Goldfinch
Swallows (Tree or Violet Green)
Great Blue Heron
Western Wood Pewee
Fox Sparrow
Belted Kingfisher
Downy Woodpecker
Red-tailed Hawk
Common Raven
Black-headed Grosbeak
Steller's Jay
Canada Goose
Band-tailed Pigeon

April 9, 2011 Salishan Nature Trail, Gleneden Beach, Oregon

The clouds were thick and threatening, the tide was low. Yet, 21 birders gathered at the Salishan parking lot, in Gleneden Beach, for the April birdwalk along a nature trail bordering the golf course. ASLC leader Caren Willoughby welcomed new birders and handed out binoculars and field guides to those without them. She informed all that ASLC bird walks always happen, come rain or shine. We were lucky. Rain stayed away during the whole trip. Our local bird expert and field guide, Dick Demarist, led us along the trail identifying the birds we saw and those we heard. What a great resource of knowledge!

One of the first birds spotted was a Bald Eagle perched on a beached stump out in the bay. But before Dick could set up his spotting scope to give everyone a chance to see it close up, the eagle flew away from us. Meanwhile, a Great Blue Heron flew right toward us and landed in the marsh grass up ahead. Interestingly, it allowed us to approach quite close to it which gave some good photographic opportunities. As we reached the Pacific shoreline, we focused our lenses out to sea to see what we could see. In the far distance, a flock of Cormorants were flying north in their typical irregular flight formation but were too far away to be able to identify the correct species. Not seeing any nearby water birds, we headed back. That's when we saw the eagle back on the same stump out in the bay. Dick set up his spotting scope and gave many of the birders a chance to see not one but two eagles on that stump!

Back at the parking lot, Dick stated how unfortunate it was that our walk took place during low tide. Any other tide would have seen many, many more birds and waterfowl in the bay waters. He mentioned to all who would be interested that we'll meet in Taft near Mo's restaurant to see what other species of birds may be present. Those who stuck it out were rewarded with views of Horned Grebes, Surf Scoters, White-winged Scoters, Buffleheads, Caspian Terns, and a few other species.

Sightings of the Day

Bald Eagle
Great Blue Heron
Spotted Towhee
American Crow
House Finch
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Red-winged Blackbird
Pacific Loon
Oregon Junco
Purple Finch
Fox Sparrow
Red-breasted Merganser
Varied Thrush
Red-tailed HawkRufous Hummingbird
American Robin
Caspian Tern
Western Gull
Marsh Wren
Savannah Sparrow
Glaucaus-winged Gull
White-winged Scoter
Surf Scoter
Horned Grebe
Great Egret

January 8, 2011 Yaquina Bay, Newport OR

The morning began with a heavy rain as eighteen birders made their way to the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center parking lot. Some drove up from Yachats, others traveled from as far north as Tigard and as far east as Salem and Albany. Not surprisingly, all donned rain gear in case those dark, moisture-laden clouds decided to dump on them. Like good scouts, they were all well-prepared. Field Guide, Dick Demarest, gathered the group together and began birding the shoreline of the Hatfield Center. Beginners and the more knowledgeable searched the bay with binoculars in hand, and then ID'd their sightings with the use of loaned ASLC field guides. In all, the group was not disappointed by the weather or the number of birds for all to see. Thanks to the waterfowl and birds in the bush, it proved to be a fun-filled morning.

Photos by Ernie Rose, Jack Doyle, and Jody Picconi

Sightings of the Day
White-winged Scoter
Surf Scoter
Common Golden-eye
Brandt's Cormorant
Pelagic Cormorant
Hooded Merganser
Buffle Head
Horned Grebe
Northern Pintail
California Gull
Western Gull
Mew Gull
Brant Geese
Greater Scaup
Great Blue Heron
American Wigeon
American Crow
Red-breasted Merganser
Savannah Sparrow
Northern Flicker
European Starling
Red-winged Blackbird
Oregon Junco
Fox Sparrow
Red-shouldered Hawk
American Robin
Belted Kingfisher
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Song Sparrow
House Finch
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
White-crowned Sparrow
Gold-crowned Sparrow
Black-Capped Chickadee
Red-necked Grebe
Harlequin Duck
Common Loon

December 11, 2010 Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge (IBA)

Whew, the day was definitely for the ducks . . . with gusting winds and sheets of rain showering the land, drenching every square inch of any surface exposed to the elements. A perfect day to stay indoors, sitting by the fire, comfortably content reading a book and sipping tea or hot chocolate. Ah yes! But . . . oh no . . . eight diehard birders from Otis and Lincoln City climbed in their chariots and headed to the Nestucca Wildlife Refuge in Cloverdale. Meeting at the parking lot, they climbed into 2 vehicles (4 in each) to begin their morning of bird watching. First stop was at the top of the observation hill. To the north above the treeline flew a raven. Actually, we thought it was being tossed around by the wind . . . either that or it ate some craziweed. Its flight was anything but graceful! "Look there, on the southern ridge. Three cowbirds!" The birders turned around so fast, you'd swear they would have all fallen with whiplash. Kidding . . . they're just three cows!" That's pretty much how the rest of the morning progressed. Lots of laughter yet, surprisingly, many bird sightings! In fact, by the time we finished driving around the neighborhood of the local dairy farms, frequently clambering out of the cars to get better, wetter, views of the numerous winged ones, and stopping at the Grateful Bread Restaurant for brunch, we had a count of 36 species of birds who were crazy enough to be flapping around in such wild weather! Go figure!! (Sorry, readers, but no photos were taken, for obvious reasons!!) If you'd like to learn more about the Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge, click here.

Birds seen at NWR, Little Nestucca, and surrounding area:

Sightings of the Day

Song Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
American Robin
Varied Thrush
Common Raven
Canada Geese
Cackling Geese
Hermit Thrush
Steller Jay
Spotted Towhee
Northern Flicker
House Finch
Purple Finch
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
American Robin
European StarlingBrewer's Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird
American Coot
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Northern Harrier
American Wigeon
Northern Pintail
Immature Bald Eagle
Western Gull
American Crow
House Sparrow
American Kestrel
Surf Scoter
Golden-crowned Sparrow

November 9, 2010 Siletz Bay (IBA)

The weather was cold and slightly windy but 17 birders braved the elements for an exciting morning of birding.
We started at the Taft dock, moved to Cutler City and finally ended on the Nature Trail at Salishan.

Sightings of the Day
Double-crested Cormorant
Western Gull
Mew Gull
Common Loon
Pacific Loon
Red-throated Loon
Red-breasted Merganser
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Red-necked Grebe
Red-tailed Hawk
Horned Grebe
Great Blue Heron
Tundra Swan
Green-winged Teal
Great Egret
Northern Harrier
Belted Kingfisher
American Kestrel
European Starling
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Yellow-rumped Warbler
American Wigeon
Northern Pintail
American Crow
Bald Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
Pacific Wren

September 11, 2010 Salmon River Estuary (IBA)

What a wonderful start to a fun morning of birding . . . the sky was blue, crystal clear, and sunny. Except for the noisy activity of fishermen trucking their boats to the dock at river's edge in Knight Park, the air was still, the water was calm. Seventeen birders gathered around the kayaks and canoes which they would later ride but first they were interested in what guest speaker, Mary Coolidge, had to say about her conservation work with the Portland Audubon Society. Shortly after, local bird expert Dick Demarest led the group around Knight Park to get glimpses of nearby bird activities. The silence was cut by the chattering of Kingfishers and the chirps of Chestnut-backed Chickadees and Golden-crowned Kinglets. Easily seen with the naked eye were close to a dozen Turkey Vultures, seven on one side of the river, five on the other. Taking in the sights sat Western Gulls on the mudflats of the estuary. Close to 11am, the adventurous members of the group climbed in the canoes while others cautiously entered the snug-fitting kayaks. With the tide coming in, it was a bit of a chore paddling toward the mouth of the Salmon River. The trip was very peaceful, very rewarding.

Mary Coolidge

Sightings of the Day
Belted Kingfisher
Turkey Vulture (mature and immature)
Double-crested Cormorant
Western Gull
American Crow
Great Blue Heron
American Robin
Tree Swallow
Stellar's Jay
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Song Sparrow
Red-shafted Flicker
Northern Harrier
Pacific Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Brown Pelican
Gray Jay

June 12, 2010 Yaquina Head Bird Walk

Almost 20 ASLC birders turned out on a beautiful Saturday morning to observe birds at the Yaquina Head Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area just north of Newport. With sunshine and almost no wind, this was a great day to enjoy the fabulous Oregon coast scenery and to get close to birds during the breeding season. Birders stopped first at the visitor center to view swallows, sparrows, and other perching birds. At the lighthouse viewpoint, birders focused on seabirds and shorebirds. It is a great time of year to see cormorants in their breeding plumage, Brandt's Cormorants with their azure blue throat pouches and Pelagic Cormorants with white flank patches. From a single vantage point at this site, birders were able to turn south to observe a pair of Black Oystercatchers who seemed to be scouting out a potential nest site and then turn north to watch an American Bald Eagle in a tree near the parking lot who seemed to be scouting out the Common Murre colony on the adjacent rocks.

Sightings of the Day
Barn Swallow
Tree Swallow
Violet-green Swallow
House Sparrow
American Crow
Starling (immature)
Pacific Slope Flycatcher
Swainson's Thrush
Turkey Vulture
White-crowned Sparrow
Brandt's Cormorant
Pelagic Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Pigeon Guillemot
Western Gull
Western Grebe
Clark's Grebe
Bald Eagle
Black Oystercatcher
American Goldfinch
Common Murre
Red-tailed Hawk

May 8, 2010 Bird Photography Talk and Walk

What a beautiful, welcoming morning on the coast! We all met at Knight Park in Otis around 9am . . . about 15 of us bird watchers. We saw some amazing birds and met some nice people. The tide was low but high above us we saw the Turkey Vultures stretching their wings on their roosts and catch the thermals to wherever they chose to head this fine morning. Bald Eagles were also seen taking the high road to wherever! Meanwhile throughout the rest of the morning we saw:

Sightings of the Day
Common Merganser
Canada Geese
Great Blue Heron
Long-Billed Dowitchers (flock)
Whimbrels (flock)
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Barn Swallow
Tree Swallow
Least Sandpipers
Song Sparrow
White-winged Scoters
Hairy Woodpecker
Rufus Hummingbird
American Robin
American Crow
Wilson's Warbler
White-crowned Sparrow
Red Crossbill
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Black-capped Chickadee
Sandhill Crane
Pelagic Cormorants
Western Gull
Red-tailed Hawk

. . . and we heard frogs that sounded very much like the Sandhill Crane!