Representative David Gomberg (D-Lincoln City) has just introduced House Bill 2903 which requires Oregon’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Commission, and Department of State Lands to develop an adaptive management and social monitoring program to support Oregon’s five marine reserves.
Senators Dick Anderson (R-Lincoln City), David Brock Smith (R-Port Orford), and Suzanne Weber (R-Tillamook) are co-sponsors of the bill.
Why is HB 2903 so important?
In 2012, Oregon completed the planning and designation of five marine reserves: Cape Falcon, Cascade Head, Otter Rock, Cape Perpetua and Redfish Rocks. A review of the first ten years of Oregon’s Marine Reserve system reveals that the reserves:
Garner broad support from Oregonians – 90% of valley residents and 70% of coastal residents would vote to continue the marine reserves
Provide opportunities to research topics Oregonians care about – changing ocean conditions and hazards, ocean acidification and hypoxia, endangered species, and sea-star wasting syndrome
Pump more than $750,000 into coastal communities via marine reserve researchers contracting local commercial and charter fishing vessels
Promotes extensive community engagement – almost 13,000 individuals have engaged in community science initiatives
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Cascade Head Marine Reserve: courtesy of Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife