May 2022

Dear Reader,

The wind is howling and rain pounding against my window - what a contrast from our dry spring a year ago! Up at the Landscaping with Love Greenhouse, we're struggling with the mud whereas last year we were busy trying to keep things watered!


Thanks to Lincoln City Parks & Rec, we have two walks this month! Our
special Lincoln City bird walk is this Friday, May 13th at 9am. We'll be visiting Cutler City Wetlands, a unique wooded wetland full of native rhododendron!

Our regular Second Saturday walk is this Saturday, May 14th at 9am. We'll meet at Mike Miller Park in Newport and enjoy the birds in the beautiful wooded park, then on to South Beach for more bird action.

: We asked you to contact Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) and let them know that drones should be prohibited in state parks and the ocean shore, except in areas determined by scientists where drones neither disturb wildlife nor mar the visitor experience. Thanks to strong public opposition to drone use, OPRD is redoing the drone rule process. OPRD is putting together a work group that will meet over the summer to draft criteria for where drone take-off and landing could be allowed and where it should be restricted. The work group will apply the criteria to draft maps and deliver them to OPRD. OPRD will then restart the drone rule process by reconvening a Rule Advisory Committee (RAC). Two environmentalists are members of RAC, and they have both invited to serve on the summer working group.

Rocky Habitat proposals: The Rocky Habitat Core Team has spent a lot of time this spring preparing for workshops to further evaluate our proposals to designate Cape Lookout and the Cape Foulweather Complex as Marine Conservation Areas.

The two, three-hour workshops were held at the end of April. Coastal Coordinator Kent Doughty capably presented each proposal to state agency representatives and answered their questions. The next step is to present the proposals at the upcoming spring Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) meeting. OPAC will vote on whether or not to approve the proposals at its fall meeting.


Registration is still open for our June "Birding Basics" class at the OCCC's Lincoln City campus. You don't want to miss this class! More info...


We have our annual Board elections coming up in June and are looking for some new faces to help us with our important work! Please let me know if you're interested in exploring the possibilities with us.


Our annual potluck will be June 23rd, location TBD. Mark your calendars and plan to join us!

Let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City