November 2020

Dear Reader,

These are exciting, challenging, and stressful times - we need to be sure that we are each taking care of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors. Take time to appreciate the birds and wildlife around you. Breathe in the salty sea air. Drop a note to a friend, send a virtual hug to a loved one. A little kindness goes a long way!


If you're up for a walk, we'll be meeting at Knight Park just north of Lincoln City for our November birdwalk. Each year we visit the mouth of the Salmon River and the estuary to see the fall arrival of migratory birds that winter there. Social distancing and masks are required.


New interpretive signs, featuring illustrations by our own Nora Sherwood and graphic design by our own Ernie Rose, have been installed along the trail at Alder Island. Alder Island Loop Trail was opened in 2017 and offers an easy walk through the alders that grace Millport Slough in the Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge. We plan to celebrate with a bird walk and scavenger hunt in the spring.


Under the leadership of campaign coordinator Kent Doughty, our rocky habitat team has been hard at work - reaching out to communities, meeting with local and state leaders, engaging experts, and soliciting public input. Our proposals for adding protections at Cape Foulweather and Cape Lookout are coming together.

Find out more about how you can help and learn about our campaign and the two sites we've selected.

One specific thing that you can do for us is to write an email or letter of support for our campaign. Tell us why you love Cape Lookout and/or Cape Foulweather and that you support added protections there. Contact Kent at


For the last couple of months we've focused on our programs: Education, Conservation, and Citizen Science. This month, we'd like to focus on Membership.

We offer varying levels of membership - regular membership, Individual or Family, costs from $20-$30 per year. You can also choose to support us on a more substantial basis through special, annual membership levels.
Wood Duck - $50

Osprey - $100
Western Meadowlark - $200
Red-tailed Hawk - $300
Bald Eagle - $500
Your membership dues support our core programs and enable us to continue to provide free monthly bird walks, education for kids, and events such as our migratory bird festival.

This year, we'll be offering a year-end incentive for gift memberships and membership upgrades - stay tuned for more on that!

That's it for this month. Stay safe and be well!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City