As far as we know, there are more Osprey nests per capita in Lincoln City than anywhere else in Oregon. Osprey returning each spring are noticed by residents and tourists alike, who often have limited understanding and appreciation of the bird’s migration, nesting and feeding behavior, or the importance of its coastal habitat.
With a National Audubon Society grant, ASLC is developing printed and interactive web-based maps of local Osprey nest locations. ASLC has recruited and trained volunteers to observe nest sites for initial nesting behavior and eventual rearing of chicks. Other chapter activities include Osprey-focused bird walks and featuring the Osprey on Migratory Bird Day, May 13.
Designed as a first-year pilot program, ASLC intends to repeat this initiative annually to collect ongoing community science data regarding nest occupation and fledgling success. Through these efforts, we hope to raise awareness of this distinguished Oregon State Raptor and the excitement of birding.