March 8, 2019 Hostetler Park (D River) and Devil's Lake State Park

It was a cold and rainy morning for a bird walk at Hostetler Park and our trip leader, Mark Elliott, predicted there would be two additional birders that would show up. He was pleasantly surprised that there was a total of 16 that wanted to search this area for birds. Some were surprised that this little park was hidden within our city! We saw 23 species including, a first for many, Lincoln’s Sparrow!

Thanks to Lincoln City Parks & Recreation for sponsoring!

Sightings of the Day


American Crow


Common Raven

American Robin

Steller’s Jay

Song Sparrow

Ring-necked Duck

Canada Goose

Northern Flicker

Western Gull

Rock Pigeon

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Dark-eyed Junco

Fox Sparrow

Lincoln’s Sparrow

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Violet-green Swallow

Greater Scaup

Ruddy Duck

Hummingbird sp.

Spotted Towhee