March 9, 2019 Tillamook Raptor Survey

Eleven people met at Fred Meyer in Tillamook for our first raptor survey. We carpooled around a set route with expert leader Jimmy Robert Billstine. We modeled our survey after the official Winter Raptor Survey surveys, which are held throughout the Pacific Northwest. We took parts from two of the Tillamook surveys and created a map and a survey sheet. Starting at Goodspeed Rd, we drove a little over 20 miles in our two-hour timeframe, enjoying a wonderful mix of raptors.

Survey Results
Red-tailed Hawk: 12
American Kestrel: 7
Northern Harrier: 3
Bald Eagle: 6 adults, 2 sub-adults
Red-shouldered Hawk: 1
Peregrine Falcon: 2
Rough-legged Hawk: 1

Raptor photos complements of Ernie Rose