July 2021

Dear Reader,

I hope that you enjoyed reading our latest issue of The Kingfisher! We are fortunate to have had Ernie Rose doing our graphics, layout, and editing for many years. Ernie, who has decided to retire from the ASLC board of directors, also designed our website and most of our flyers and brochures. We will miss him dearly, but are pleased that he's offered to continue to do graphics work for us!

ASLC Annual Meeting

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2020-21 annual meeting & Year in Review. If you missed the meeting, the meeting recording (about 43 minutes) is here. To view just the year-end report slide presentation click here.

ASLC Volunteer of the Year!

At our annual meeting, we were proud to name our 2020-21 Volunteer of the Year. Steve Griffiths, our Vice-President and chair of our Conservation Action Committee (CAC), has served on the ASLC board for five years and has been VP and CAC chair since 2018. Steve's hard work and dedication has brought us to the forefront of the work on forestry practices and coastal habitat protections. Thank you Steve!


Join us this Saturday morning as we head inland to Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)! Bring a picnic lunch with you and, after birding the NWR, we will continue to Mill Creek Park for lunch. Mark Elliott will lead this bird walk starting at 9am.


Marine Reserve Awareness Month (MRAM) will feature a month-long
exhibition, Reserve Inspiration, at the Chessman Gallery. Throughout August, we will have outings, kids' art activities, programs and presentations. Activities will be based in Lincoln City because our main focus will be the Cascade Head Marine Reserve, one of five on the Oregon Coast. Check our MRAM webpage for details.

We need your help to ensure that our first Marine Reserve Awareness Month is as enjoyable and memorable as possible.

- Sunday Farmers and Crafters market (Five Sundays Aug 8 to Sep 5): we need folks to take shifts staffing our booth between 9am and 2pm

- Sunday "Help Build a Tidepool" art activity (Five Sundays Aug 8 to Sep 5): we need help supervising young artists, shifts between 9am and 2pm.
- Friday Aug 13 program: help setting up and taking down (6:30pm and after 7pm program).

- Friday Aug 27 program: help setting up and taking down (6:30pm and after 7pm program).

Please email Tom Rice at traa151@aol.com if you are able to help for even a portion of one of these dates - we especially need folks on Sundays! Thank you!

That's it for this month.

Let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City