June 2021

Dear Reader,

Well, I'm trying to double-task here. I've been sitting here folding ASLC newsletters (yes, our Summer Kingfisher is coming to you soon!). And, of course, that made me think of you and that it's been awhile since I've gotten our eNews out to you! So, here's what is happening...


ASLC has designated this August as Marine Reserve Awareness Month (MRAM). A number of related activities, gatherings, and presentations are planned. Our primary focus is Cascade Head, so activities will be based in Lincoln City. We are reaching out to you for assistance in making sure our first Marine Reserve Awareness Month is as enjoyable and memorable as possible.

Event setup and takedown, information booth staffing, and activity monitoring are a few of the roles we need volunteers to fill. If we have enough volunteers, this won’t take up a lot of your time. If you’d like to be involved and help us out, please let me know (preferably within the next week or so) and I'll have our volunteer coordinator get in touch. THANK YOU!


Our work to recognize Cape Lookout and Cape Foulweather as iconic sites within Oregon's Rocky Habitat Management Strategy continues. The Ocean Policy Advisory Council met and voted to have our two proposals, plus four others, receive further consideration over the coming months starting with a summer worksession. We will keep you informed as we learn more.


Join us tomorrow morning at Yaquina Head! Dawn Harris will lead this bird walk starting at 9am.

ASLC Annual Meeting

We have decided to once again hold our annual meeting online due to continued restrictions on indoor gatherings. I hope you saw our "Save the Date" email and plan to participate!


If you are interested in serving and being part of our exciting activities, or would like to nominate someone to serve on the Board, please let me know! Annual elections will be held at our meeting on June 24th and we need volunteers to serve with us! Please call, text, or email me if you are interested or know someone who is.

That's it for this month. Stay safe and be well!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City