March 2020

Dear Reader,

It's Spring! Whatever is happening in our world, the birds are arriving or departing depending on where they breed. We have enjoyed seeing the Osprey coming back to Lincoln City, swallows and chickadees are scoping out nest sites, Bald Eagles are back on their nests... We're seeing the last of the Golden-crowned and Fox Sparrows who are moving north to nest. Rufous Hummingbirds are showing up in their bright spring colors. And of course, there are the whales... we are fortunate to have a view of the ocean from our neighborhood, so we're enjoying watching the moms and calves heading north and feeding along the way. Who are you welcoming and/or saying goodbye to?

How are you coping with Stay-Home, Stay-Healthy in general? I've got a big jigsaw puzzle going in the living room. Boxes in the basement are starting to fill up with items to eventually donate. I spotted a hummingbird nosing around a window where I used to have a feeder, so I cleaned and hung up a cheap one that I had laying around. I'm trying to do a backyard bird count daily -- I haven't quite gotten the "daily" part down, but am enjoying watching them at the feeders!


As you know, our bird walks are cancelled for the next couple of months. We are thinking about ideas such as "virtual" bird walks and activities that you can do at home. And we want you to share your stories of the wildlife activity that you see in your backyard and neighborhood. Are Swallows starting to move into your nest boxes? Do you have hummingbirds at your feeders? Did a Bald Eagle fly past your window? We hope that you'll share your experiences! To that end, we're thinking about starting a Lincoln-Tillamook Facebook Community group.


Help us come up with a name for a new ASLC Facebook Community group - right now it's just an idea (see above under Bird Walks), but it needs a great name! We have some fun ideas to share once we're up and running, including:

- from your window or yard, make a list of the birds you see during a 10-15 minute timespan and share it (with photos if you have any)
- what's your favorite bird book and why?
- what's your favorite outdoor spot and why? Photo encouraged

- post your questions about places to hike/bird/tidepool, etc.
- need help with a Bird ID? Post it here
- share links to other posts and videos about local birds and wildlife


Migratory Bird Day Festival:
In addition to our bird walks, we chose to cancel our May Migratory Bird Day Festival, anticipating that it will take time to get through our current situation with COVID-19. We're already making plans for the festival in 2021 - if you'd like to be part of the planning, let us know!

Rocky Habitat Tours and Presentations
We're postponing tours of our Lincoln & Tillamook county Rocky Habitats, along with the instructional presentations that were set for May in Lincoln City and Tillamook. We'll keep you posted on rescheduling. We hope to provide some virtual tours and presentations so stay tuned.

Community Science
Portland Audubon will be providing online training for Community Science efforts such as Snowy Plover Patrols. Some onsite work has been cancelled. See our website for opportunities and information.


We have new Rocky Habitat T-shirts for ladies in addition to our unisex offerings. Check them out in our ASLC online store! We have found them to be pretty true to size, and they don't shrink. Share your love of our Coastal Habitat with one of these awesome shirts!

Or show your Audubon pride with an ASLC cap!
Once we get the Facebook Community page set up, you can share a selfie sporting your shirt and hat!

That's it for this month.

Stay Home and Stay Healthy!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City