April 2020

Dear Reader,

Sitting down to type this missive, I am wondering how you are all doing? Sunny days have provided an opportunity to walk on the beach or through our neighborhood, tallying the new species and noting who has moved on. On other days, I pull a few weeds or putter around the yard, not really accomplishing much :o) My jigsaw puzzles have become popular, I've sent boxes to my kids and grandkids and exchanged puzzles with friends. Usually my puzzle table is put away for the season by now, but I'm still taking refuge in large puzzles on rainy days.

We are grateful for so many things, but know that it is still hard not to be discouraged. We're staying in touch via Facebook and hope that you're enjoying the photos and stories that we share. If you're not on Facebook, check out our website - we will be working to keep it current and interesting for you!


There are many ways that Lincoln and Tillamook residents can be involved in Audubon activities. We are especially in need of BLACK OYSTERCATCHER monitors and BROWN PELICAN monitors.

Brown Pelican Monitoring: We need someone who can be at the Taft side of Siletz Bay to count BROWN PELICANS on May 9th for about an hour. Please email me at dawnv@birdlover.com for more details.


Our May adult classes have been cancelled. Our education team is busy monitoring our Lincoln City Osprey nests and want to encourage you to monitor nests near you! Let us know what you are seeing as Osprey, Bald Eagles, and other raptors nest and raise their young.

To help you identify the birds at your feeders or the ones you see along the shore, we've added a couple of pages to our website:
Backyard Birds of Oregon's Central Coast
Birds of Oregon's Coastal Habitat


Our conservation action committee is going strong, participating in meetings and worksessions, corresponding with public officials, and much more as we continue to press for reform in areas such as Forestry practices. We are working on a custom, reusable shopping bag to support our plastic pollution campaign. Our work to support and expand protections for marine habitat, including currently protected Marine Reserves and unprotected rocky habitats, continues to grow. Due to the COVID-19 virus, public education sessions have been postponed, but we are looking to hire someone to assist with webinars and other online education and collaboration. Stay tuned!


We have new Rocky Habitat T-shirts for ladies in addition to our unisex offerings. Check them out in our ASLC online store! We have found them to be pretty true to size, and they don't shrink. Share your love of our Coastal Habitat with one of these awesome shirts! Or show your Audubon pride with an ASLC cap!


That's it for this month.
Stay Home and Stay Healthy!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City