May 2020

Dear Reader,

Spring is in full swing! I wake each morning to bird songs and the roar of the ocean. This morning, a large flock of Cedar Waxwings flew by my window while a dozen American Goldfinch fed at our thistle-sock feeder. We have Violet-green Swallows and Chickadees nesting in our bird boxes, and Spotted Towhees and Dark-eyed Juncos are nesting in the scrubby lot next to our house. Spring also brings unusual vagrants to our coast - ASLC board member Ernie Rose has even had a Rose- breasted Grosbeak, a very rare Eastern species, at his feeder this week!


Our twice-yearly newsletter, The Kingfisher, is in the mail. We hope you enjoy it! We'd love to hear your feedback about our articles, photos, and features. Over the next several months we will be making a decision about whether or not to continue to print it, so let us know what you think!


Our bird walks are cancelled through June, but we have posted the schedule for the remainder of the year in The Kingfisher, on our website, and on Facebook. We'll be making decisions month-to-month and will keep you updated as we get nearer to July.


A special thanks to those of you who volunteered for the Brown Pelican survey and Black Oystercatcher monitoring! Portland Audubon, the largest Audubon chapter in the state, sponsors these efforts and relies on locals like us to conduct the studies. Thanks to you, these efforts are making a difference!

Yaquina Head seabird monitoring: I failed to include the email for the monitoring coordinator. If you are interested (see previous email), please contact Dr. Rachael Orben at


We are excited to be partnering with Lincoln City Parks and Recreation on our new "Feeders in the Park" project in Lincoln City. We had intended to kick off the pilot as part of Lincoln City Community Days, but of course were unable to do so. However, we did get the first feeder installed at Canyon Park this month and will be relying on volunteers to keep the feeder filled as part of the pilot. Eventually, we hope to install a viewing platform at the park and put feeders in other parks in the city.


Rocky Habitat protections are a key focus for our ASLC Conservation Action Committee this year. Oregon's Ocean Policy Advisory Council recently approved a revised Rocky Habitat Management Strategy that will become part of Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan. We have been involved in the process for about a year, and are excited to have reached the stage at which the public can begin to submit proposals for added or revised protections for our special Rocky Habitats such as Cape Lookout and Cape Foulweather and others. We've received funding to hire a part- time "Coastal Habitat Coordinator" to help us in these next phases of the project. We hope to finish the hiring process and bring them on board next month.


We are partnering with North Coast Rocky Habitats and Oregon Shores CoastWatch to bring you "On the Rocks" Rocky Habitat webinars weekly beginning on June 10th at 6pm. More details on our website and on Facebook.


We're setting up a special mailing list for folks who want to be informed about what's happening with Rocky Habitat and possibly become involved in helping us out! Please reply to this email to let me know you want to be added to the mailing list!


Our Annual business meeting will be on June 25th. We will be sending you the official notification within the next few days. Mark your calendars and be prepared to "Zoom" with us!


That's it for this month. Stay Home and Stay Safe!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City