November 2021

Dear Reader,

Watching the chickadees at the feeder under grey skies this morning - right now the seas are relatively calm but more strong winds are on the way. There's no place like the coast during blustery weather. I hope that you were able to get some sea- watching done last week while the wind was onshore - several interesting sightings were reported, including many migrating Northern Fulmar, various shearwaters and some kittiwakes.


Our November walk will feature the Salmon River estuary, our traditional location for this pre-winter walk. Join us at the Fraser Rd interpretive kiosk parking area, Saturday November 13th, 9-11am. Google "North Fraser Rd, Otis Oregon" for directions. Masks are recommended.


The Tillamook Bay Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be on Saturday, December 18th, and the Lincoln City CBC will be on Sunday, December 19th. This year, we will not be having a breakfast meeting - our sector leaders will have pre-assigned teams and will contact each team member with instructions.


Two fun things are happening, all centered around the Osprey, our Oregon State Raptor and one of my favorite birds.
First, partnering with Lincoln City Parks & Recreation, we have a new Osprey page on their website. Visit it here and tell us what you think!

Secondly, public broadcasting is currently running a one-hour special on the Osprey. View it here (runs through November 24th).
We're partnering once again with Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition and Coast Range Association to bring you a series of three webinars we're calling "Beyond the Beach."

We all love Oregon’s public beaches but there is so much more to our amazing coastline. Join us for three exciting upcoming webinars to learn more about the resilience of our communities, special places along the coast, and mysterious undersea forests. We have a great lineup of guest speakers who will share their expertise and passion for all things coastal. Click on the Facebook links below to learn more and to register.

November 16th, 6:30 PM
Beyond the Beach: King Tides and Response to Ocean Rise
Peter Ruggiero, professor at Oregon State University, will share on how coastal communities can increase their resilience to catastrophic risk from tsunamis as well as chronic risks of coastal erosion, flooding and ocean rise with climate change. The evening will open with an introduction to the Oregon King Tides Project, a citizen science tool to help communities plan for the future.

December 8, 6:30 PM
Beyond the Beach: Oregon’s Rocky Coast
Dave Fox (Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife), Roy Lowe (retired USFWS and photographer), and Dick Vander Schaaf (The Nature Conservancy) will present a panel discussion on the ways special places along the Oregon coast are designated to be protected for the marine life that is dependent on them. Find out where these places are located and how to enjoy them in a responsible manner so their bountiful resources are available for generations to come.

January 12th, 6:30 PM
Beyond the Beach: Mysterious Undersea Kelp Forests
Oregon's Kelp Forests: Past, Present, and Future
Sara Hamilton, PhD student from Oregon State University and a subtidal ecologist, will fascinate you with descriptions of what Oregon's kelp forests used to look like, how are they doing today, and how can Oregonians influence what they will look like 100 years into the future? She is passionate about studying kelps and will share about current research conducted by divers on the southern Oregon coast, and about restoration and recovery of kelps in Oregon.

ACTION ALERT ~ Ocean Policy Advisory Committee

Tomorrow, November 4th, the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) will consider amendments to Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan, Rocky Habitat Management Strategy. For more information and to register, visit

Our two proposals for Marine Conservation Areas at Cape Lookout and Cape Foulweather will undergo further review this winter and be heard by OPAC in the Spring. Thank you for your continued support of these efforts!

That's it for this month.
Let's keep working together for birds and nature!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City