October 2021

Dear Reader,

We're excited that our expanded art exhibit, Reserve Inspiration, is now on display at the Newport Visual Arts Center. If you missed the exhibit in Lincoln City, this is your chance to check it out! The exhibit will be on display throughout October.


We had a great time on the bird walk to Ona Beach and Beavercreek! Check out Deborah Lynn's photos here.

Our November walk will feature the Salmon River estuary, our traditional location for this pre-winter walk. Join us at the Fraser Rd interpretive kiosk parking area, Saturday November 13th, 9-11am.


Roy Lowe will present a webinar for the Elakha Alliance the evening of October 21st titled "Birds & Kelp”. We love birds and we love kelp, so what could be better? As Roy told me, "the subject matter is very germaine to what you and others in LC Audubon are working on/interested in." Here’s the weblink for registering for the webinar. https://www.elakhaalliance.org/webinar-birds-kelp/


Twelve enthusiastic students attended our fall Birding Basics class at Oregon Coast Community College. We got really good feedback, this class is always very popular. Our next classes will be in the Spring, so watch for news.


Following Governor Brown’s directive in Executive Order 20-04, the Oregon Global Warming Commission worked in coordination with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon Department of Forestry, and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board to develop and submit a proposal for setting a carbon sequestration and storage goal for Oregon’s natural and working lands.

You can send a message to Oregon Governor Kate Brown urging her to move forward with the Oregon Global Warming Commission’s Natural and Working Lands Proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Our joint work continues on the amendments to Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan, Rocky Habitat Management Strategy. The revised proposal evaluation process will be heard by the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) on November 4th. For more information and to register to attend, visit oregonocean.info.

Our two proposals for Marine Conservation Areas at Cape Lookout and Cape Foulweather will undergo further review this winter and be heard by OPAC in the Spring. Thank you for your continued support of these efforts!


Interested in taking a deeper dive into all things coastal? Register and join the virtual conference for State of the Coast October 28-29. This will be an exciting conference sharing science and art on many coastal issues we all deeply care about.

That's it for this month.
Let's keep working together for birds and nature!


dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City