May 2020

Dear Reader,

Spring is in full swing! I wake each morning to bird songs and the roar of the ocean. This morning, a large flock of Cedar Waxwings flew by my window while a dozen American Goldfinch fed at our thistle-sock feeder. We have Violet-green Swallows and Chickadees nesting in our bird boxes, and Spotted Towhees and Dark-eyed Juncos are nesting in the scrubby lot next to our house. Spring also brings unusual vagrants to our coast - ASLC board member Ernie Rose has even had a Rose- breasted Grosbeak, a very rare Eastern species, at his feeder this week!


Our twice-yearly newsletter, The Kingfisher, is in the mail. We hope you enjoy it! We'd love to hear your feedback about our articles, photos, and features. Over the next several months we will be making a decision about whether or not to continue to print it, so let us know what you think!


Our bird walks are cancelled through June, but we have posted the schedule for the remainder of the year in The Kingfisher, on our website, and on Facebook. We'll be making decisions month-to-month and will keep you updated as we get nearer to July.


A special thanks to those of you who volunteered for the Brown Pelican survey and Black Oystercatcher monitoring! Portland Audubon, the largest Audubon chapter in the state, sponsors these efforts and relies on locals like us to conduct the studies. Thanks to you, these efforts are making a difference!

Yaquina Head seabird monitoring: I failed to include the email for the monitoring coordinator. If you are interested (see previous email), please contact Dr. Rachael Orben at


We are excited to be partnering with Lincoln City Parks and Recreation on our new "Feeders in the Park" project in Lincoln City. We had intended to kick off the pilot as part of Lincoln City Community Days, but of course were unable to do so. However, we did get the first feeder installed at Canyon Park this month and will be relying on volunteers to keep the feeder filled as part of the pilot. Eventually, we hope to install a viewing platform at the park and put feeders in other parks in the city.


Rocky Habitat protections are a key focus for our ASLC Conservation Action Committee this year. Oregon's Ocean Policy Advisory Council recently approved a revised Rocky Habitat Management Strategy that will become part of Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan. We have been involved in the process for about a year, and are excited to have reached the stage at which the public can begin to submit proposals for added or revised protections for our special Rocky Habitats such as Cape Lookout and Cape Foulweather and others. We've received funding to hire a part- time "Coastal Habitat Coordinator" to help us in these next phases of the project. We hope to finish the hiring process and bring them on board next month.


We are partnering with North Coast Rocky Habitats and Oregon Shores CoastWatch to bring you "On the Rocks" Rocky Habitat webinars weekly beginning on June 10th at 6pm. More details on our website and on Facebook.


We're setting up a special mailing list for folks who want to be informed about what's happening with Rocky Habitat and possibly become involved in helping us out! Please reply to this email to let me know you want to be added to the mailing list!


Our Annual business meeting will be on June 25th. We will be sending you the official notification within the next few days. Mark your calendars and be prepared to "Zoom" with us!


That's it for this month. Stay Home and Stay Safe!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City

April 2020

Dear Reader,

Sitting down to type this missive, I am wondering how you are all doing? Sunny days have provided an opportunity to walk on the beach or through our neighborhood, tallying the new species and noting who has moved on. On other days, I pull a few weeds or putter around the yard, not really accomplishing much :o) My jigsaw puzzles have become popular, I've sent boxes to my kids and grandkids and exchanged puzzles with friends. Usually my puzzle table is put away for the season by now, but I'm still taking refuge in large puzzles on rainy days.

We are grateful for so many things, but know that it is still hard not to be discouraged. We're staying in touch via Facebook and hope that you're enjoying the photos and stories that we share. If you're not on Facebook, check out our website - we will be working to keep it current and interesting for you!


There are many ways that Lincoln and Tillamook residents can be involved in Audubon activities. We are especially in need of BLACK OYSTERCATCHER monitors and BROWN PELICAN monitors.

Brown Pelican Monitoring: We need someone who can be at the Taft side of Siletz Bay to count BROWN PELICANS on May 9th for about an hour. Please email me at for more details.


Our May adult classes have been cancelled. Our education team is busy monitoring our Lincoln City Osprey nests and want to encourage you to monitor nests near you! Let us know what you are seeing as Osprey, Bald Eagles, and other raptors nest and raise their young.

To help you identify the birds at your feeders or the ones you see along the shore, we've added a couple of pages to our website:
Backyard Birds of Oregon's Central Coast
Birds of Oregon's Coastal Habitat


Our conservation action committee is going strong, participating in meetings and worksessions, corresponding with public officials, and much more as we continue to press for reform in areas such as Forestry practices. We are working on a custom, reusable shopping bag to support our plastic pollution campaign. Our work to support and expand protections for marine habitat, including currently protected Marine Reserves and unprotected rocky habitats, continues to grow. Due to the COVID-19 virus, public education sessions have been postponed, but we are looking to hire someone to assist with webinars and other online education and collaboration. Stay tuned!


We have new Rocky Habitat T-shirts for ladies in addition to our unisex offerings. Check them out in our ASLC online store! We have found them to be pretty true to size, and they don't shrink. Share your love of our Coastal Habitat with one of these awesome shirts! Or show your Audubon pride with an ASLC cap!


That's it for this month.
Stay Home and Stay Healthy!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City

March 2020

Dear Reader,

It's Spring! Whatever is happening in our world, the birds are arriving or departing depending on where they breed. We have enjoyed seeing the Osprey coming back to Lincoln City, swallows and chickadees are scoping out nest sites, Bald Eagles are back on their nests... We're seeing the last of the Golden-crowned and Fox Sparrows who are moving north to nest. Rufous Hummingbirds are showing up in their bright spring colors. And of course, there are the whales... we are fortunate to have a view of the ocean from our neighborhood, so we're enjoying watching the moms and calves heading north and feeding along the way. Who are you welcoming and/or saying goodbye to?

How are you coping with Stay-Home, Stay-Healthy in general? I've got a big jigsaw puzzle going in the living room. Boxes in the basement are starting to fill up with items to eventually donate. I spotted a hummingbird nosing around a window where I used to have a feeder, so I cleaned and hung up a cheap one that I had laying around. I'm trying to do a backyard bird count daily -- I haven't quite gotten the "daily" part down, but am enjoying watching them at the feeders!


As you know, our bird walks are cancelled for the next couple of months. We are thinking about ideas such as "virtual" bird walks and activities that you can do at home. And we want you to share your stories of the wildlife activity that you see in your backyard and neighborhood. Are Swallows starting to move into your nest boxes? Do you have hummingbirds at your feeders? Did a Bald Eagle fly past your window? We hope that you'll share your experiences! To that end, we're thinking about starting a Lincoln-Tillamook Facebook Community group.


Help us come up with a name for a new ASLC Facebook Community group - right now it's just an idea (see above under Bird Walks), but it needs a great name! We have some fun ideas to share once we're up and running, including:

- from your window or yard, make a list of the birds you see during a 10-15 minute timespan and share it (with photos if you have any)
- what's your favorite bird book and why?
- what's your favorite outdoor spot and why? Photo encouraged

- post your questions about places to hike/bird/tidepool, etc.
- need help with a Bird ID? Post it here
- share links to other posts and videos about local birds and wildlife


Migratory Bird Day Festival:
In addition to our bird walks, we chose to cancel our May Migratory Bird Day Festival, anticipating that it will take time to get through our current situation with COVID-19. We're already making plans for the festival in 2021 - if you'd like to be part of the planning, let us know!

Rocky Habitat Tours and Presentations
We're postponing tours of our Lincoln & Tillamook county Rocky Habitats, along with the instructional presentations that were set for May in Lincoln City and Tillamook. We'll keep you posted on rescheduling. We hope to provide some virtual tours and presentations so stay tuned.

Community Science
Portland Audubon will be providing online training for Community Science efforts such as Snowy Plover Patrols. Some onsite work has been cancelled. See our website for opportunities and information.


We have new Rocky Habitat T-shirts for ladies in addition to our unisex offerings. Check them out in our ASLC online store! We have found them to be pretty true to size, and they don't shrink. Share your love of our Coastal Habitat with one of these awesome shirts!

Or show your Audubon pride with an ASLC cap!
Once we get the Facebook Community page set up, you can share a selfie sporting your shirt and hat!

That's it for this month.

Stay Home and Stay Healthy!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City

February 2020

Dear Reader,

February is already treating us to a lively variety of winter coastal weather! Looking out at the stormy sea while the wind whips one of my bird feeders about, I am again so grateful for living here! We got a sunny but cold break in the weather this past Sunday while members of the board and their spouses took a trip from Cape Meares to Cape Kiwanda to learn more about our precious Rocky Habitat (see Rocky Habitat below). We're excited to play a part in the plans for the future protections of our coast.


We hope everyone plans to take part in this annual 3-day count, February 14-17! This is a count that you can do from the comfort of your home! We hope that you will take part and let us know what you find! We'll share your photos and stories on our Facebook page!


This Saturday, February 8th, we'll visit one of our favorite spots in Lincoln City - Hostetler Park at D River. Hope to see you there, rain or shine!


We enjoyed sharing our Conservation efforts at the Willamette Valley Bird Symposium a couple of weeks ago. The symposium was great and we saw alot of old friends and new faces while handing out materials about Rocky Habitat, Estuary Management, and Forestry issues.

Our 2020 priorities are:
Rocky Habitat (Richard Townsend, lead)
Marine Reserves (Steve Griffiths, lead)
Climate Change (Jeanne Sprague, lead)
Plastics (Nora Sherwood, lead)
Forests (Joe Youren, lead)
If you have an interest in any of the above issues, please let me know and I'll put you in touch with the above folks! There are alot of important issues and we need your help, whether it's writing letters or planning events!


Our ASLC board toured several Tillamook rocky habitat locations in a day-long trip from Cape Meares to Cape Kiwanda last Sunday (photos on Facebook). With our site designations under review, we are working to familiarize ourselves with our protected and unprotected areas along the coast in both Lincoln and Tillamook counties. We will be looking for people to help with our efforts to maintain current protections, expand certain sites, and increase protections in special places. More information about the Rocky Habitat Strategy...

Which reminds me, our new Rocky Habitat T-shirts are in stock! We have long and short-sleeved T-shirts sporting our fantastic Rocky Habitat logo! Get yours online or you can purchase one at one of our events. And don't forget to get your Audubon hat!

And be sure to join our My Favorite Rocky Habitat: Lincoln-Tillamook Counties - share your photos and stories and watch for chances to win a T-shirt!


Haven't purchased your Bird Brick yet? The Cultural Plaza fundraiser is drawing to a close, so get yours soon! We plan to create a colorful brochure featuring some photos and a checklist of the bricks so you can check them off as you find them in the new Plaza! See the list of birds here and visit our website for more information.


Featured position: We are looking for someone to help our Rocky Habitat team - especially seeking skills related to project management. Interested? Email me at the address below.


If you are in the Otter Rock/Otter Crest area, we're working to build a "Friends of Otter Rock" group to work toward protection of that valuable, much-loved, and much-visited area. Contact Fawn Custer or Howard Shippey at to learn more and get involved.


That's it for this month.
Let's work together for birds and nature!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City

January 2020

Dear Reader,

Last month my husband and I had a family visit to my daughter-in-law's hometown in Cape Town South Africa. Cape Town has become one of our favorite places and our time with family flew by! On the way there, we enjoyed a brief stay in London and another stop in Munich to enjoy the Christmas markets on the way home. Of course, I had to catch a bug as soon as we got home, so while we actually returned on Christmas Eve, I'm just now starting to get caught up on emails!

So, hopefully this is better late than never!
Thanks to Explore Lincoln City and Lincoln City Parks & Recreation, we have two bird walks in January!

Bird Watching Clinic birdwalk at Siletz Bay:
Friday, January 10th from 9-11am.
Come enjoy the wintering waterfowl and learn why eel grass is so important to them.

Second Saturday Bird Walk at Yaquina Bay:
Saturday, January 11th from 9-11am.
Come join us as we walk along the nature trail at Hatfield Marine Science Center! Camden Bruner will lead this walk.

Saturday February 25, Corvallist, OR
The Willamette Valley Bird Symposium is a day long bringing together professionals, students, and amateurs to celebrate birds. Registration closes in two days - you won't want to miss it!

Learn more: I'll be sending you another email in a week or so to update you on our activities and needs for the new year. In the meantime, let's keep working together for birds and nature!

dawn villaescusa, President Audubon Society of Lincoln City